
Friday 8 October 2021

Nice ride out today

The big BMW R9T had a ride out today, up into the Peak District. The sunshine on the Cheshire plain was replaced by low cloud as I climbed into it ascending the Cat & Fiddle. Dropping down the other side to Buxton put me in the clear again, but visibility still was not the best. Must be a pretty moist south westerly air stream.

From Buxton it was Harpur Hill, Longnor, up onto the ridge road between the Dove and the Manifold, dropping down to Hulme End. Then a lovely blast along the sweeping and traffic-free B5053 from Warslow down through Onecote and back into cloud on the ridgeway (Blakelow Road - nothing but grey mist at the viewpoint above The Roaches near Mermaid pool) to the Winking man cross roads at Royal Cottage (back down out of the cloud by then).
Down through Gradbach to Allgreave for a late lunch stop by Bosley locks and an interesting chat to a Canal & Rivers Authority volunteer lock keeper as I helped lock a couple of narrow boats though the top lock.
I didn't take many pictures as the inside of a cloud is not very interesting. Here are the ones I did take.

On the ridge-top road between Longnor and Hulme end, beneath the low cloud. Sheen Hill ahead, the Manifold Valley to the right, the Dove Valley dropping away sharply but out of sight to the left of the road.

Interesting house near Gradbach. A very strange woman came out and told me not to photograph her house, but she was too late.
I wonder if she realises Google have been here before me with their location-revealing camera and this is far from the first time her house has appeared on the web (but their picture is sans these lovely autumn colours)?

Late lunch at Bosley Top Lock. The top of the old GPO tower on Sutton Common was frequently enveloped in cloud as I watched.


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