
Friday 15 June 2018

Farewell to 'Mr Harrier'

Very sad to report that John Farley, best known in aviation as the test pilot who developed the Harrier to be the success it was, died peacefully at home on Wednesday evening following a long illness.I had the privilege to meet him once when he came to our Concorde museum at Manchester to support a 'Young Engineer' initiative by Salford University.
He was widely regarded as a brilliant pilot, but humble and very easy to chat to. A most likable man.He signed my copy of his book 'A View from the Hover' with a nice personal message (every pilot should read that book, by the way).
Farewell John.
To remember him, here is a friend of his, Raymond Baxter, at Farnborough 1982 commentating while John flies his routine in the Harrier, including his 'rocket' signature vertical / vertical take off, which no-one else ever attempted.Baxter tells of the time he was with John in a 2-seat Harrier. The brief from John before 'that' take off was "there's a few seconds here where we will be very exposed if the engine fails. There will be no time for me to say anything. So if I go (bang out) you go".


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