
Sunday 14 January 2018

'Lindow' at a cold Urmston today

It was bitterly cold today so I decided to give 'Lindow', my electric locomotive, a second outing to Urmston rather than prep a steam loco with freezing fingers.
She ran superbly, straight out of the car into revenue-earning traffic, hauling passengers. There's just so much power there, and no sign of slipping at all. Some people fit electronic 'diesel engine' sound systems to these locos, but I rather like the 'electric train' whine of the four traction motors - sounds like a Virgin trains Pendolino at speed.
Here's a video I took as Malcolm drove the engine round Urmston's main track today. If we'd had passengers on we wouldn't have run at max speed as Malc does down the back straight here - this was a demonstration run to familiarise Malcolm with 'Lindow's characteristics

Click on the link below:

Here are some pictures:
'Lindow' in the station at Urmston 

Ready for the 'right away' 

Parked by the carriage shed at lunchtime


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