
Sunday 10 April 2016

Lovely day at our usual Sunday haunt..

The sun is shining, the locomotives are out, and so are our visitors who want train rides!

Pictures, as usual, from that talented lensman, Jason. Please click on any one for a larger image.

Busy prep bays this morning, Me, Malc, and Alfred on the right 

This was the star of today's show - 'Duchess of Abercorn', a 5" gauge model of my favorite locomotive type in the colour I turn when I see it! 

We tend to Alfred on his prep bay...

...And once steam was up, we puzzle over trying to get the oilers to make sense

Alfred's footplate 

Me tweaking the oiler adjusters... but they just won't do what they should 

Out on the track.... but still those oiler glasses are not behavng

'Duchess of Abercorn' makes short work of fifteen adults on 4 carriages. She didn't slip once. Makes makes you wonder what her limit is. 

"Look Ma, no hands". Malc enjoys running round the track on 'Alfred'.

Picnics in the park 

Duchess Discussions 

I did three runs around the big track on 'The Beast', with Keith on the jump seat 

Fred takes the money as visitors queue for a ride 

Picnics in the park, take two 

The lovely weather ensured queues of potential passengers at the Abbotsfield Park station.

Malc enjoys a ride behind 'Alfred'


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